Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sing me an old hymn...

I woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. I'll admit, it was a bit of a shock after two weeks of palm trees, ocean breezes and warm sunshine, but it looked beautiful. Of course, then the reality of an icy, 25 mile commute with a bazillion crazy drivers playing bumper cars on I-94 set in. Fortunately, I was only delayed (a mere!) 30 minutes by one accident that did not, thankfully, include me!

So, what does all that have to do with fasting and prayer?


As I mentioned in my last post, I have not been fasting. But I have been praying for a deeper relationship with God that would bring me closer to Him. And what I discovered is that prayer may deepen my relationship with God, but it won't bring me closer to Him. It can't. He's already right in front of me! And beside me! And deep within me! He couldn't be any closer than he already is!

God is everywhere. He is in the warmth of the bright sunshine, the sound of crashing ocean waves, the whisper of snowflakes, the shiver of the Cardinal in the cedar tree outside my kitchen window, the roar of the snowblower, the cacophony of rush hour traffic, the wail of the ambulance siren, the bustle of the skyway, the hush of the elevator. He is in all things - those that are comforting, annoying, wonderful and tragic. Most importantly He is holding me in the palm of His Hand; soothing me, guiding me, protecting me, and listening to my cries of contentment and distress, of anger, joy and fear, of desire and resignation. He listens to my prayers, He gives me hope, He understands what I need and when I need it and He delivers His promise that He, above all, is the One Thing that will shepherd me through this earthly life until He is ready to bring me home to Him in Heaven. His Love is the gift that buoys me in the stormy waters of life. His Son is the gift that saves me from my sinful ways. He is The Way, The Truth, and The Light.

HE is all I need. And He has shown me that in so many ways over the past month, during a time when my earthly world seemed like it was about to implode. Through Grace, He saved me. Just like He saves us all, every day, if we let Him.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His Glory and Grace.

-Helen Lemmel

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