Saturday, February 28, 2009

The End

We landed back in the warm Twin Cities this morning around 6:30 a.m. and I am finally arising from some much needed sleep. Home is a great place to be, even though there is an 80 degree shift in temperature. But there is nothing like your own bed surrounded by your own stuff. Home is the place where you can relax and be yourself. It is the place where everything is familiar and you feel at peace.

Cornerstone is home to many people who have been a part of this fast over the past 21 days. For some, they have seen this home built from the ground up. They have watched as visitors have come and gone and eventually some have decided that Cornerstone feels like home to them and have set down their roots and become a part of the family. For others, they are trying to decide if Cornerstone will be their new home. Is it comfortable? Do the people really care for them like family? Is this a place where they can find peace?

This fast has given each of us the chance to evaluate the old homestead. God has shown us some truths which can make our home more warm and friendly. He has revealed ways that each of us can personally be better family members. Now it is time to act upon what you have heard. Changes take time and patience. They usually don't happen over night and end up costing us something to make the improvements. But whatever those changes might be, we need to be faithful in moving forward with the trust that God will complete the good work He has started in the time in which He has ordained.

The Leadership Team is excited about what God has shown you. Please let us know by commenting on the blog, writing an email, or stopping one of us on a Sunday and sharing from your heart. This group of people is committed to making Cornerstone a house filled with the genuine people of God. They desire that everyone feels the warmth of Jesus' love and finds healing from the wounds that life brings.

So now the fast has come to an end. But it does not have to end today. I've decided to continue to limit my TV watching so that I can spend more time listening to God's voice. I can't wait to share what I have heard over the past three weeks. I want to hear more. God is always speaking, however, I often have a hard time stopping the distractions long enough to hear what He is saying. May God continue to bless Cornerstone as His people continue to hear His voice and obey His calling.

Aloha!! See you in our home on Sunday.

Friday, February 27, 2009

A Journey together

I'm enjoying each day going on the blog to read peoples thoughts. One of the things I love most about Cornerstone is the realness
of people whether its been an up day or down its refreshing because its real. I'm thankful God has used this time to deepen my
relationship with Him or at least given me a desire to have it become deeper. I hope thats your story as well and I pray our relationships
with one another will deepen too. This past year has had it's share of heartache and troubles. I know it's inevitable that as we
journey together there will be other difficult times to walk through. I praise HIm that we have each other to walk through them with.
I pray our joys and sorrows will cause us to be more dependent on our God and more and more thankful for each other.
How great it will be when Gods love is flowing through us so much and shinning so brightly that it will touch the hearts of all those around us.
May we bring Him the most glory possible in 2009.

Here is a scripture that was a part of the woman's bible study we just concluded:

"Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy.
Though one goes along weeping, carrying the bag of seed
he will surely come back with shouts of joy, carrying his sheaves" (or blessings)
Psalm 126:5&6

God Bless you!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Taking hold

Early in this process, I came upon and posted a verse from Philippians 3.12:  "I press on to take hold of that for which Christ has taken hold of me."  
This fast has taken effort and intentionality, but it is all for a purpose.  Christ has taken hold of us; we are adopted into his family as sons and daughters.  But for what has he taken hold of us?  I hope and pray that you have found those answers, and I am anxious to hear what God has been doing in the lives of his people.

This Sunday, we will be celebrating the end to the fast.  And part of celebration is telling others what God has done in our lives.  The last three weeks, we have talked about blessing coming to us from others, about the springs of life that God shows us, and about sacrifices that he asks us to make to restore him to the center of our lives.  If you have had any experience this month in any of these areas, I invite you to comment here, and if you feel so inclined, to share with the body at large on Sunday (just a minute or two).  Think on it, pray on it... God has been doing some wonderful things.  Would you encourage others with your story?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rebel without a cause

Its hard for me to believe, only three days to the end of the fast. this Time for me has surely been a time of awakening. Earily in the fast I was just happy with all the things I was hearing from other people. Last week God started talking to me. The thing God has been dealing with me about is obedience. Its funny how God only gives you enough light for the next step. This process all started one morning last summer when at around three in the morning I rolled over in bed awake enough to hear God tell me "do not leave you shoes by the door anymore put them away." I have been faithful, I was able to learn from that God will often start working on us in the small things. My entire life I have been disobedient untill this fast I have not even liked the word "obey" but God has shown me what a wonderful word it is. It has even been my practice to say I want to do "Gods will" but now, I will say that I want to be obedient to God! and trust that his will for my life will be my guide, his promises will be my assurance, his presence will comfort me, his word will make me victorious, his power will be my strength,and his approval will be my motivation.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Commitment and Intentionality

I, for one, am glad this second week of the fast is over. It was not good for me. I was still able to follow through on keeping my distractions at bay, but I found I was quickly able to fill that time with other distractions, not with God. My commitment was there, but I was no longer being intentional with what I was doing with my time.

I have been hit with how that can carry over into all of our relationships, not just our relationship with God. We can truly be committed to our families, our spouse, our children, our friends…but are we really intentional about growing and tending to those relationships? As a church, Cornerstone speaks often about our genuine relationships and being “real” with one another, but are we being intentional in following through with that?

A couple of weeks ago, I was having a hard day in church, and was receiving support from other people, which was a huge blessing to me. Later that afternoon, I received an e-mail from a different person saying that she was praying for me, and just two days after that I received a card from her as well with some verses and reiterating the fact that I was being lifted up in prayer. She didn’t even know exactly what was going on, but was praying for me just the same. THAT was being intentional!

Often, we probably notice that people are not in church for a few weeks in a row, or that someone is having a specifically hard day, or God impresses a certain person’s name on us as someone to pray for. What do you do when any of these happen? A lot of us are truly committed to our church family, but I think we (myself definitely included) can be much more intentional in how we honor those commitments.

So, as we spend time listening to God this last week of the fast, is He asking you to be more intentional?

Sunday, February 22, 2009


For me, the fast has been more determined perseverance than joyful engagement, to use Terri's phrases. I haven't abandoned my plans or made them easier, but I'm not sure how often I've actually avoided distraction and listened either. Because God is faithful, I've learned some things in the process, but I wonder if it could have been better.

I find it easy to go from messing up to giving up. When I realize I haven't done something right, I often want to just quit the whole thing. Let somebody else do it, or abandon it altogether. Start again in a year when I'll have a clean slate and can do it right.

Doing that builds a certain kind of character, and it's not the kind of character I want to have. And I'm starting to understand that it's not the kind of character I need to have to play my part in building the kingdom of heaven. Instead, I need to learn to correct the mistakes while they're small and immediately start again.

So with a week of the fast left, I'm going to try to be more deliberate about listening and engagement. This week isn't just going to be avoiding the things I've given up, but instead will be taking up what I'm choosing to do instead. It's a new start.

My encouragement in this is that we serve the God of new starts. Jesus sits on the throne and says, "Behold, I am making all things new!" (Rev. 21:15) That will happen in the fullest way when we come to the new heaven and new earth, but I'm convinced that making all things new is the work of God even now. As we wait for the spring that will make the living world new again, God makes our hearts and minds new. Faithfully, He is always willing to start with us again.

Lord, re-new me. Make me who I must be to be fully yours. Help me to start again.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Planes, (Trains) and Automobiles

OK, there weren't any trains but perhaps "Cars, life, and distractions" would work. 

There are too many of them. Today we made a road trip to Black River Falls WI to pick up a revived car (looong story - ask me). Plan was to meet Kate in Madison and drop off the car. Planes are allergic to snow so the plane that started in Nashville landed in MPLS instead. Unfortunately we were on our way to Madison. 

Change of plans. AGAIN. Why does this always happen?

The good news is that God owns the calendar, not me or any one of us. The good news is that He knows what NEEDS to happen versus what we think needs to happen.

On the trip back from central Wisconsin, I decided to turn off the radio (thanks Jon) and just listen. It is hard. There are so many images, thoughts, issues that come flooding in. I focussed on the scenery around me. Beautiful as it was I still found it hard to just listen. 

Then the clouds broke and the sun streamed brightly through. 

My only thought or revelation was the notion "keep listening".


Friday, February 20, 2009

Joyful engagement or determined perseverance?

Last week, my entry in the blog was written in a spirit of joy and amazement at having received verses and songs from God that really touched my heart.  This week I am writing from a spirit of perseverance.  I don't often receive specific thoughts that I feel are from God during my devotional time.  When I do, that makes it so easy to come to that time the next day, expecting that I will be touched by God again.  But when I skip my devotions or come away from them not feeling as though I had "connected", I feel like my heart toughens up a bit and I find myself not expecting to hear from God...then it's definitely a case of self-fulfilling prophecy.

That's where I was this morning...  But I remind myself of the old bumper sticker:  "If you feel far from God, guess who moved?"  I know God is always there, regardless of what my "feelings" tell me.  I know it is sin that makes me reluctant to engage my heart.  So, tomorrow I will spend more time in adoration and confession, and see if I can tenderize my tough heart.  Singing the hymns is the best way for me to do that.  Then I will remind myself of Romans 8:26--"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.  And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will."  And I will trust in that--that the Spirit will help me pray and get "reconnected".   I'm feeling more joyful already!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Long Time "Friends In Christ"

This last week I received a call from an "old" friend.
See back in college I lived with 14 "young" men in a house by the UofM. Most were in Campus Crusade for Christ. (That story is a book not a blog). What an awesome time that was. I was born again and grew up as a Chrisitan in that house. In the 2 1/2 years I lived there I met and shared HIS life with many young men. As the years have past some have passed on, some became teachers, missionaries, pastors, scientist and recruiters.
The call I had last week came from a 605 # and I thought well South Dakota School of Mines, way out there.
It was Steve one of the guys who knew a fellow roommate from the house. He had someone that needed advice on a job that he was recruiting for and heard I was in that industry.
Make a long story short. It is amazing that being a friend who is united in Christ seems like it can be 5months, 5years, maybe 50years but it was like we had been hangin' out every Friday. I told him about Cornstone and the Fast and how I was asking God to show me His Life and how I can do more for Him. And you know it was just what I/we needed that day. A word of encouragement from an "old Friend".

God IS Good

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

God is so Good!

We are just over 1/2 way through our fast and whether it has been a joy or a trial I believe God is blessing our efforts. He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) He is so good!
This fast has been such a good thing for me. One of the things I've decided to fast is sweets. I've decided I'm going to love God more than sweets by giving Him this distraction/addiction. The couple times that I've been tempted I've actually said out loud I love you more God and have been able to refrain. God is so good. I've also decided to be more intentional and disciplined in my quite times with God. I've sensed His nearness and presence with me so close. When I read scripture every word seems to jump out and go straight to my heart. The same with listening to worship songs. There has been a great new christian radio station (KNOF 95.3 FM) that I've been listening to - that has been blessing me like crazy. When I turn to it it seems to be at just the right moment and I'm not just hearing the lyrics but I'm listening more closely and worshiping more deeply. I've also been more aware of Gods beauty in His creation around us. I just praise God that were all taking this time to notice Him more. I've had the thought - I don't want this fast to end. Then quickly I was challenged that it really doesn't need to end in completely. When March 1st comes we don't need to throw all the disciplines aside that we've been walking in over this time. For me it has taken this fast for me to see I need to have a more disciplined life. Not in a legalistic way but in a joyful way. I'm enjoying having more time with God and the more of Him I have the more of Him I want.
God bless you!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Questions are more important than answers. That is what Socrates thought. He became a famous philosopher because of his technique of asking questions in order to reveal the truth. His life goal was to assist others in finding the answers by asking a series of questions. That may seem odd to us because we tend to want to tell others what we think or what we believe. We are quick to support our opinions and are often hurt when others don't agree with what we are saying or thinking.

But few people have mastered the art of asking a good question. Jesus loved a good question. When confronted with a situation he would ask his accusers: "Who do you say that I am?"; "Who is without sin?"; What does it profit a person to gain the whole world but lose their soul?" Over the next few weeks, read through one of the gospels and note the number of questions that Jesus used.

During this fast, it is a great time to ask God our own questions. He is waiting to talk with you. Sometimes, instead of giving us a straight answer, God will return to us a series of his own questions. The answers to our prayers can be found in the willingness to answer His questions.

I've asked God over the past 10 days, "What do you want for Cornerstone in this next year?" In return, the Holy Spirit within me has impressed on my mind questions like: "What does my Son look like?"; "What do you seek that I have not already provided?"; "Why are you so restless, when I am the God of peace?"

What are some of the questions that God is asking of you during this time? Maybe if we compile a list of the questions, then we can get a clearer picture of God's plan for Cornerstone. I'd love to hear some of the questions that God is laying on your heart. Take a moment and record them in the comment section. Remember, the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked.

May God's blessing pour over you this day!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Comfort zones

Well I do not know if I am doing this right. This is waaaay out of my comfort zone so please forgive me if I make this short and sweet. 

I am thrilled with what I have been hearing and seeing at Church and on the blog.

I praise God for keeping us in his will and allowing us to experience this type of communication with him.

... Bowes

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Finding time for God.

Sunday's are supposed to be easy, or at least so I thought. 

Today's service was great as always, God met us as he does regularly. I left the Church on my normal post-service high and then ... life hit. 

So many distractions. I've been besieged today by shiny ball syndrome (my bad). Cameras, TV, Newspaper, everything it seems but God. 

I guess it is like so many of my days...the day starts so well, a nice quite time with the Lord and then it seems like life hits, and God vanishes. Not because he goes away but because he is relegated to the bench.

Finding time without distractions for God is certainly my on-going objective during this fast (and hopefully beyond). Finding God in the distractions, not letting him sit on the bench during the hubbub, that is something I want to pray for. 

Perhaps a balance of God only time combined with God always time should be my real objective.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Surprising Morning

I am not a big writer but as some know I can ramble. This last week was LONG. More than 2 nights with less than 5 hours sleep which for me makes life hard. By Friday I was wondering what I had committed to in the fast. Then I remembered that it was not just taking something away but learning to do something that I do not usually do. I too turned down the radio and tried to turn my thoughts away from the appointments of the day. I then had a "thought" to call Sonja's grandparents and offer prayer for the day. They have recently had to move back to Minnesota from Florida because of a struggle with cancer (Grandpa) and Grandma just needing more help. The first call had no answer. Then a call from a service engineer with my company with a "important" need from a customer. I then tried again at this point not feeling very spiritual. Grandma answered the phone and I said I just had a feeling that I should call and find out if there was anything I could pray about for you and Grandpa. She then said how nice that would be to know that someone was thinking of them and then said that Grandpa had a good morning in physical therapy walking for a short distance on his own for the first time in a couple of weeks. She said it was a blessing to know that someone would be praying for health and healing and that the oncologist would have some insight this next week when they travel to Sanford Health.
..........I thought, how cool, I can do this. He used me in something so simple and at times we/I make things so difficult.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Uncomfortable Silence

I love listening to the radio; have since I was five years old, hiding under the covers of my bed with my plastic transistor AM magically capturing voices and music from far off cities and exotic places like Chicago, Little Rock, Council Bluffs, and Minneapolis. Now, more than forty years later, I live in one of those “far off cities” and go to work every day in one of the finest radio facilities in the county. The people on the radio are my colleagues, and I approve their broadcasting activities from exotic places. Now, I listen to the radio in the bathroom and the shower, in my car, in my office, in the studio, in my garage, in my backyard, and even on the airplane (podcasts are great). Radio is my near-constant companion, filling the places and time whenever I am alone.

So, I surprised myself earlier this week when I decided that I would “fast” from my car radio at least one morning each week during our Cornerstone Fast. I decided that, instead of listening to the radio on my way to work, I would try, instead, to listen for God in the silence of my car. This may not seem like a big deal -- giving up my car radio one morning a week -- but anyone who knows me will tell you otherwise.

Wednesday morning, I had to be to work early, which meant that Debbie would take Sarah to school and I would be alone in the car from my house to my office. I got in the car, and switched off the radio, and headed down the driveway. Everything seemed to be going great for the first few blocks. Without the radio, I turned by thoughts to God and began silently praying, Well, not so much praying, as running through all the cares and concerns in my head, and asking God for things. I’m sure it went something like this…

“God, you know I’ve got a tough day, today, so please give me the right words to say and help me make good decisions, and you know I’m worried about my dad, so please heal his arm and encourage him, and strengthen Nathlie, and heal Josie from her cancer, and help Tim and Sara find jobs, and heal John from his lymphoma and Don from his cancer, and encourage Michael, and comfort Suzanne, and surround Beth and Mitch with people who love you and who will draw them closer to you, and be with Sarah at school and Debbie at work and…and…and…”

Then it hit me. I was filling this unfamiliar and uncomfortable silence by telling God all the things He already knows, and I was not listening for Him. I tried to quiet my thoughts, but my ears began to tune in the noises of the engine and the tires on the street and the passing traffic. This was (is) going to be much harder than I thought.

I eventually made it to work, and must report that I did not hear a special message from God on Wednesday morning. Maybe He had nothing to tell me, or maybe He was busy delivering a special message to one of you, or maybe He had something to tell me on Thursday morning, but I could not hear Him over the sound of my radio. There are two more weeks to go, so He's still got time.

While I was changing out of my work clothes this evening, in the quiet of my bedroom, part of a familiar verse popped into my head: “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) OK, maybe He IS trying to tell me something. As we say on the radio, “Stay tuned.”

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Batten Down the Hatches!

I was reading this morning about the "still small voice" Elijah heard after witnessing God's appearing in fire and earthquake (see 1 Kings 19 for the whole story).  It reminded me of a seminary prof I had who insisted the proper translation of the Hebrew was "the wind of the storm".  I won't bore you with the details of how he came to this conclusion, but ever since I heard him, I have felt that tension between God's gentle whispers and God appearing in the wind of the storm.

I think we need both, and I think we will be hearing both during this time of fasting together.  Sometimes, what God is asking us to do is remove the distractions that get in the way of hearing that quiet voice.  Sometimes what God is asking us to do is simply brace ourselves for the storm of actions and blessings he will bring into our lives.  

In our case, the one may very well lead to the other.  I have heard many of you talking about hearing God's voice already, not even a week into our community adventure.  I treasure each and every comment and post made here on this blog.  

Starting now, I am not only waiting for his words.  I am watching for the wind of God's storm coming on the horizon.  

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Journeying together

Reading Sharon's post the other day about her concern over whether she was "doing" this fast authentically enough made me laugh!  That was me!  I had been stewing and praying over how I should fast, wanting to "do it right".  I had decided to skip breakfast to extend the time I could spend in my devotions, but started becoming more concerned about whether or not coffee counted and how long I needed to wait to have a snack, etc, etc than about what I could learn from God in this time.  But I decided to quit worrying about the logistics and just start with what I could do, spending that extra time in reading and praying and playing hymns at the piano.  

What an unexpected delight this has been!  I have found things underlined in my Bible that I have no recollection of that have touched me with what I needed to hear:  Ps 44:3 ("It was not their arm that brought them victory;) it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your face, for You loved them."  And yesterday I sang "Sweet hour of prayer" half of the way to work before I realized I was missing my other morning addiction--the morning show on WCCO!  So, dear Cornerstone, I hope you, too, are being blessed by whatever your attempts are in this time of fasting.  Know that whatever victory you need, it will be God's right hand and arm and the light of His face that brings it about, because He loves you!  I look forward to hearing more stories of how you all have seen God meeting you during this time!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Are we REALLY ready??

When Sue mentioned this all-church fast at our Leadership Team meeting last month, I was excited to think about what God has in store for us as a church, and what He may reveal to us through this fast. Then, as we were making preparations to begin, it hit me that God may lead Cornerstone in a direction that “I” may not be comfortable with.

A lot of you already know this, some may not, but Brian and I are blessed to have been a part of Cornerstone since the very first meeting, almost 10 years ago. There have been a lot of changes through these 10 years, changes within Brian and I, our family, and changes within Cornerstone. Some have been easy, others have not; but, God has always been at work.

Since it’s inception, either Brian or myself has been in some kind of a leadership position at Cornerstone. Unfortunately, this has fulfilled my need to control. As we enter this fast, I am also entering the last days of my position on the Leadership Team. I am confident that God is calling me to a time of rest, but I am fearful of giving up my position of control. What if things change drastically? What if the Children’s Ministry falls apart? What if the Youth lose direction? What if? What if? What if?

What if I really let God have the control? He always works together for good. Why can’t I trust that?

In the first days of our fast, I hit my breaking point. Unfortunately, my life goes in cycles where I control, control, control, and then fall apart because I just can’t handle one more thing. These are the times where God really speaks to me. This time, He has clearly told me that He is in control of Cornerstone and it’s my job to release that control to Him and to trust that He will do what is best. All I need to do is take this time to deepen my relationship with Him and He will do the rest. Yesterday, I did okay with that. Today, it’s still early and emotions are still raw. By the end of the fast, I am confident that God will have given me the strength to handle whatever changes may occur.

On another note…in response to Barry’s sermon on Sunday…Brian works at 3M, and, as it is at most companies now, things are stressful. A lot of people have been cut and Brian has been spared (thank God!). But, with that comes the stress of trying to figure out and prioritize what needs to be done and who needs to do what. It’s been a time of long hours and uncertainty of whether or not he is doing the job that is needed.

Yesterday, Brian’s boss called him into his office and presented him with a certificate and a cash bonus for going above and beyond what has been needed within the division. What a blessing! This was just the boost Brian needed to keep going. It also hit him how this is exactly what Barry was talking about on Sunday….God spoke through Randy. So, Brian went in and told his boss how much he was blessed by the recognition. Randy seemed a bit uncomfortable and tried to make a joke of things, but I pray that he knows that God used him yesterday to bless Brian, and our family, in a great way.

Blessings to all of you today!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Day Three - back at work

My normal workday puts me in my office at about 7:30 and keeps me quite occupied.  For lunch, I'll usually grab a sandwich at the deli next door, bring it up to my office and work until 5:30 (or 6:00 - I added that because Mary will likely read this and call me out...) Then I pack up and head home, spend time with Mary and eventually head back to the computer for more work time.

Mind you I am not complaining, I love my job. However, I am coming to realize that it can be all consuming. I feel strongly that God has blessed me with a job I love and a chance to witness through my words and actions the love of Christ. My calling (being a Christ centered leader) seems clearer with every Wall Street headline of corruption or greed. It is a chance to demonstrate a different kind of leadership. 

Our fast is helping me to realize that I can't be that leader that God wants through the force of my will. It is a calling higher than my abilities. In fact, trusting just in myself is a sure road to ruin. If I don't take the time to be in his presence, I WILL fail. 

What is scary is that the very blessing he has given me, this job, can lead to an out of balance life if I don't consciously give it back to Christ and dwell with him.

I have chosen to have a simple cup of soup at lunch during our fast. More importantly, I will leave work (email, phone calls, meetings, etc.) out of my lunch hour and dedicate that time to be in His presence. I know if I don't establish Christ as the center, I will not be what He wants me to be. This is only the first day. In a week or so I'll let you know how it is going.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day two

It's early in this process yet, but already I've noticed that it's benefiting me. The intentionality of this experience and the awareness that we're doing this as a community has increased my focus on God. I don't feel that I've gained any strong insights yet (though mostly my distractions come during the work week, so that's when I'll have a gain in prayer time), but I do find myself paying more attention to the things of God.

As I said in my comment on Barry's post yesterday, I think this is an important step in the life of our church. I think that God is getting ready to push us to grow, though in exactly what way I'm not sure yet. But I know that any growth of our body is going to have to involve prayer. We need to re-commit to being a house of prayer and to covering all that we do in prayer. That's not a strength for me personally, so I'm glad to have this chance to be challenged and grow.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Beginning

Well, it all begins today. We are agreeing with God to take away at least one distraction from our lives and spend more time focusing on Him. I decided to remove TV and have since edited this commitment to only watching one hour of TV per day. I plan to spend the time I normally use to watch TV to read, pray, walk, and talk with my family. Like you, I want to hear the voice of God and set a direction for this next year.

This blog is a place for you to enter your thoughts. Each day, one of the Pastoral staff or Leadership Team will post a new thought. Feel free to respond and add your comments. We want to know about your experiences and what you are hearing. I hope that this will truly be an amazing experience for all of us. God has something important planned for our church. I can't wait to find out what will be our next step.