Thursday, February 25, 2010

Captives set free

As I've been reading the bible and other various books and praying for Cornerstone, the single thought that keeps going through mind is about captives being set free. All kinds of different things can keep us in bondage if we let it. I know there are things in my life that I have to choose to stand in faith and believe what Gods word tells me to be true. Whether it's addictions, insecurities or lies we believe about ourselves. How God sees us is what really matters. He is for us not against us (Romans 8:31).
I pray that we would open our hearts to Him and receive the revelation of how He sees us and how deeply He loves each one of us. When we fully know Gods love we can fully give it. His love is the tool He uses to bring us freedom, then God can use us to help others break free.
A few days back Carl posted Isaiah 58:6-7 "Is not this the fast that I choose, to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?... I believe it is an important verse for us too. Along with Isaiah 61:1 (said again in Luke 4:18). "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty those who are oppressed".

Years ago I attended prayer meetings that a man named Leonard Ravenhill would lead.
This was one of his favorite songs and has become one of mine.

"O the deep, deep love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me!
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of Thy love
Leading onward, leading homeward to Thy glorious rest above!

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, spread His praise from shore to shore!
How He loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, nevermore!
How He watches o’er His loved ones, died to call them all His own;
How for them He intercedeth, watcheth o’er them from the throne!"

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, love of every love the best!
’Tis an ocean full of blessing, ’tis a haven giving rest!
O the deep, deep love of Jesus, ’tis a heaven of heavens to me;
And it lifts me up to glory, for it lifts me up to Thee!

Hymn written by Samuel Trevor Francis (1875)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Love rollercoaster

The fast is almost over and its been quite a ride, for me it started very slow like climbing that first big hill on a roller coaster and then took off down the hill and straight for a while, turning fast and sharp around corners then slowing to climb a hill and then down again. and i am just hanging on tight until the end. God has blessed me with a job where i am able to spend allot of time alone and that is when i am able to pray the most, some days its been clear (his voice) and some days... nothing. when reading the bible at night there were days i could just get right in and be like wow this is so great, and then the next was huh? i don't get it and i cant keep my mind from wandering. I have a plan to spend some time this Saturday out in nature praying and abstaining from food and just "being" with God i am looking forward to that as the ride comes to an end and i can hop off. I know that God has honored this fast and look forward to seeing and hearing all that has taken place in the church as a whole and in our individual lives.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Several years ago we felt that one of the kids rooms needed a little updating. They had outgrown the flowers and bunnies on the wall and were looking for an older style. We chose new paint, window coverings, and linens and began the task of moving the furniture. To my dismay (and disgust) we found many items uncovered that had been lying, who knows how long, under the furniture. Besides losts jewelry, pencils and hair clips we also found several petrified apple cores, candy wrappers (most were empty), chewed gum wads, and a dried tortilla that crumbled into dust as we tried to pick it up. EEEWWWWW! Of course my children were incredulous as to where all these items had come from. Certainly THEY hadn't put them there! We had to take quite a bit of extra time cleaning it all up: a rubber glove, a vacuum, a scrub brush. Not much fun but there was no use fixing up the room without cleaning up the remains of the last few years.

That's how I feel the fast has been going for me this year. I started out the fast praying, "God, make us who you want us to be. Give us the strength, wisdom, and courage to do all that you want us to do this year." Unfortunately, as God was moving things around He uncovered a few messy spots: bad attitudes, sinful behavior....EEWWWW! How embarrassing. How did THAT get there? I was expecting to have some wonderful revelation from God and see Him do incredible things in the church, but I feel like I can't do anything until I clean up this mess.

It feels like, in preparation for all that God wants to do, I've had to do a little cleaning of my heart and life. A little disappointing and ego deflating I guess, but I'm sure I'll enjoy my new room.:)
That's life in the FAST lane.(get it?)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


We are almost half-way through our corporate fast.

We are on a journey. When our journey ends, we really won’t be home. Not our Heavenly home anyway…(of course, I don’t know God’s plans so…we could all be surprised!) But we will have completed our corporate fast. What will God reveal to us – individually and as a body? What will we learn? Will everything be clear or will we still be in the watchtower, awaiting a sign?

Maybe a better question is: Have we been listening? I have been and I am sorry to say I have no great revelations to share with you. I don’t know where we are headed and I don’t yet know what direction to go. I do know that we will probably take a few detours and go down a few wrong paths before we reach our destination, but when we do reach it, we will know that we have found the right answer. I also know that if we are faithful, if we are patient and if we listen, God will reveal his plan to us – in his time. We just need to stay faithful and keep fasting and praying. The answer will come. I pray that I have the patience to wait for it.

"Men listened to me expectantly, waiting in silence for my counsel." Job 29:21 (NIV)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Infinite joy is offered us

A devotional book I was reading the other day contained an except by C. S. Lewis which did not speak directly to fasting, but as I thought about its message, seemed to apply to the idea of letting go of some of God's small blessings for the sake of pursuing His greater blessing.

"If we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that Our Lord finds our desires, not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased."

Father, may I be pleased to give up a little in the hope of taking hold of all that you are offering me. May this time of corporate fasting be the beginning of a renewed step of faith in putting all I have before you, knowing that when I delight in you, you will give me the desires of my heart. Amen.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Isaiah on fasting

Is not this the fast that I choose:
to loose the bonds of wickedness,
to undo the straps of the yoke,
to let the oppressed go free,
and to break every yoke?
Is it not to share your bread with the hungry
and bring the homeless poor into your house;
when you see the naked, to cover him,
and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
--Isaiah 58: 6 -7

We read this today and it seemed important. I think God is saying that our current fast will lead us to this better fast, a fasting of justice and mercy for others. I pray that God will be speaking to all of us and showing us, as individuals and as a church, where we will be given the opportunity to "let the oppressed go free" and share our food with those in need. I dream of a day when Cornerstone is a steady, visible reminder of the love of God, when even those who don't believe cannot deny that this church is acting in love to those around us.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Going through The Motions
One week into the Fast and so far I feel like maybe I'm just going through the Motions. I take time each day during lunch from playing Spider Solitaire and spend time to pray and read devotionals instead but I feel a half seriousness about my intentions. I feel like if I were having a conversation with God during this week it would have been something like:
Me: Lord, show me what you want of me through this Fast
Lord: Rick, I already told you but you were not listening
Me: But Lord I'm tired and the load seems too heavy
Lord: Rick, I have walked with you every step of the way
Me: But Lord, I'm struggling so much myself and I have so little to give
Lord: Rick, I've blessed you greatly and you have much to give
Me: But Lord, it seems so little and insignificant
Lord: That's why the fast is corporate - it's not about you, it's about the church
Me: But, but, but
I heard something on KTIS recently about how our but's can be too big and right now I think that may be my problem - my but is too big. I am going to try to be more intentional with my fast from here on out and starting with prayer. I have a prayer for our church I pray each Sunday on the way to church - I have a lot of time and so far it's not illegal to pray and drive. The prayer has roots from Exodus 3:12 - 18 and I plan to pray this prayer every day of the fast instead of just on Sunday.
Lord, Thank you for Cornerstone and a place to seek your presence. Those of us that have been here have found a place where we have experienced your healing hand upon us, where we have seen you perform miracles, we have heard the truth of your word spoken, we have praised you in worship and you have been faithful to lead us through many difficult times. We have grown to know you as an awesome, faithful and loving God. And Lord, we stand before you now with many difficult decisions and questions so Lord, I ask that you would fill our minds with wisdom to make the correct decisions, fill our hearts with love to show compassion to others, put your words on our lips so that we may speak the truth of your work and speak encouraging words to one another. Lord I pray that you would be so present among us that others would see this as a church that seeks the Lord, that others would come to this place to seek your healing, to hear the truth of your word spoken, to praise you in worship and to know you as a Mighty God who loves them. And Lord I pray that we would not confine you to the walls that make up our church but that we would walk with you into the cities, across our great country and into all nations to proclaim the truth of your word, your hope and your joy to all people. Lord we are your church, we are your people! Lord show us your Glory! I pray to my Father in Heaven by the Power of the Spirit and in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 6 Amazing Grace

Amazing grace how sweet the sound... that's the song I hear every time my cell phone rings. And wow have I been challenged in this area in the past several months. I feel like I've been getting tested on what my reaction will be to others in their difficult situations. Do I choose to show grace or judgment? As I write this and see it in black and white it's obvious grace would be the right choice. But in the midst of complicated situations what my heart feels and goes through is really the test. One thing I always try to remember when someone shares with me a dark hidden sin or some really big sin (is there such a thing?) is that I'm only a choice away from committing that same sin. Praise God for His amazing grace that saved a wretch like me. We once were lost but now were found.

"We need a coat with two pockets. In one pocket there is dust,
and in the other pocket there is gold. We need a coat with two
pockets to remind us of who we are."
Hasidic Tale

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 5 A Spirit controlled mind

I have a dear friend who has told me many times our actions follow our thoughts. I've found this to be so true. As I was reading a book called "The Battlefield of the Mind" one of the lines in it said, "If we begin to think about ice cream soon we'll find ourselves in the car pursuing ice cream (or a Carmel High Rise latte). Our thoughts stir our desires then we make the decision to follow them."
I've decided to give up sweets during our fast along with being more intentional with how I spend my time. Its been a joy to go off to a quite place to read and not have my time with God be so rushed. Why does it take a corporate fast to inspire me? I don't know - but I'm thankful. I pray God will bless all of our efforts and direct our paths.

Romans 8:5 (amplified version)
For those who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on and pursue those things which gratify the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit and are controlled by the desires of the Spirit set their minds on and seek those things which gratify the [Holy] Spirit.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 4 Just a Trim Please

The fourth day of fasting. Hmmmm. . . . . Actually, I love to fast and pray. Call me bizarre but I think maybe it's just my small way of controlling my otherwise hectic and out-of-control life. I can honestly say I have rarely been disappointed. I have found that fasting and prayer has allowed me to see the hand of God in my life more than just prayer alone.

The challenge for me is always making it more than just a check on my to-do list and actually seeking a deeper relationship with God, trying to hear his voice, and finding the strength and courage to do whatever he says. For example when I take the time to ask God to fix a situation in my life, maybe a hormonal teenager, insufficient funds, attacking dust bunnies, or a bad hair week, if I actually listen, I'll hear, "What you really need is to work on your heart." There I sit thinking, "But I'm not getting my prayers answered!" In reality he's always right and my situation is always better if I just relax and let him change me. Which really never happens because I'm not the kind of person who just sits still and lets God change me. I tend to be like a small child getting a haircut who is 'only moving a tiny bit', insanely bothered by all the itchy hair, or 'just trying to help'. I gave My first grader a haircut this afternoon so this is all very fresh in my mind. There is really no way for him to help except to just sit still and do what I say! I too find it very difficult to just sit still, do what I'm told, and let God take care of things. So, I guess the control freak inside me likes to fast and pray because it helps me focus more on God than on my problems.

I believe God is always doing great things in our lives, but I believe that fasting and prayer positions us to receive more of what God wants for us, especially if we are open to what He wants us to do. I'm very excited about the things that God is doing and will continue to do as the people of Cornerstone corporately humble themselves to seek God's will.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day Three

Fasting. Growing up Catholic, what I knew about fasting was all about food and was mainly associated with Lent. Fasting was also required before taking communion. When I was very young we used to fast from food starting at 12:00 a.m. on Sunday in order to receive communion on Sunday morning. That meant no breakfast before Mass. As I grew older, the church changed this requirement to a one hour fast before taking communion. Lenten fasting (and abstinence) rules also changed with the times. Isn’t it funny (sad, typical) how man changes things to accommodate himself and his selfishness? So I've asked myself, was this God’s intent for what fasting is meant to accomplish? The Bible talks about fasting – but always connected with prayer and becoming closer to God. (I couldn’t find anything about fasting before receiving communion. hmmmm…)

Maybe what God really wants is for us to fast so that we can minimize the distractions that deter us from being in prayer and becoming ever closer to Him. Fasting might just mean purposely dedicating time for God and God alone. I don’t think that necessarily means not eating food, although it certainly could. In Biblical times, there wasn’t much else to give up. For us, it might mean giving up something else – an activity, TV, social media, video games. So that’s the fasting part. Dedicated, purposeful prayer is what should result. Prayer replaces what we give up. Is it hard to fast? Sure! Nothing worth achieving is accomplished without work. I believe that the however small sacrifice I make will allow the time I spend each and every day throughout our corporate fast to provide me with maximum refreshment and rest in The Lord. He will grant me strength to make it through. I will turn my eyes and my heart to The Lord and watch Him do marvelous things for Cornerstone!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 2 of The Fast--Should this be so difficult?

Last year, I chose the type of fast I would do without too much difficulty. This year, after several days of agonizing over this and yes, praying about this, I am still not feeling settled about what I should be fasting from. I know I tend to be the "elder brother" sort who works hard at doing what I think is expected of me and is annoyed with the younger brother who "isn't doing it right". So I am trying to look at this through God's eyes of grace and love...yet, I am still struggling. I am trusting in the promise of Romans 8:26--"We do not know what we ought to pray for (or fast from), but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."

So, at this point, I don't have any messages of revelation or victory to share with you. What I do have is empathy and compassion for anyone else who is not "getting it". I suspect that our Cornerstone body includes others who know that they are saved by grace, but can't keep from thinking that if they just keep trying, their heart will be more pleasing to God.

A Battle

Last night I received a call from a woman who lives in my neighborhood. I haven't talked with her in over 5 years, but she said that she felt prompted to call me. It seems that her daughter and some friends have been playing with a Ouija board and have been experiencing some pretty frightening things. The students want to meet with a pastor and talk about what is happening.

Would you pray for Dillon, Tori, Anna, Chris and Ozzy as I meet with them on Wednesday evening. How amazing is it that just when we start to fast and pray that God decides to use me in this way. Pray that God will deliver these kids from the evil one. Pray that they will give their lives over to His control. Pray that I will be led by the Holy Spirit in everything that I say and do during this meeting.

To God Be The Glory!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Following the paths of God

Today marks the beginning of our All-church Fast. We have 21 days of limiting ourselves in some way, of setting aside the small blessings so that we can take part in the big ones. Without a doubt, Cornerstone is moving. God has continued to draw us along day by day, and I have been privileged to be a part of that for the last 3+ years. But his path for us began long before that. We have heard about Cornerstone being started in Barry's living room with a handful of people, but God has known his plans for us, extending far before Cornerstone was even a dream.

It is an incredible blessing to be able to walk in God's footprints, following what he has laid out for us, and this time of seeking him is one of those blessings. I hope as we support and pray for each other that he will show us a glimpse of his face.

Each of us has chosen something that is meaningful for us. I have chosen to fast during my lunch times again this year, and spend that time in the Word and in prayer for this church. I started these three weeks by focusing on the magnitude and majesty of our God who has called us to this place. One of the greatest places to meditate on this is in the Psalms, reading the hymns written to glorify our Creator. Today I spent time in Psalm 8. Verses 3-4 read: When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?

The immensity of the task ahead is weighing on me. Part of it is simply being hungry, and knowing that I chose to do this for three weeks. But part of me is simply awed by being in the presence of the God who created the moon and the stars and all of the heavens. I spend this day in the presence of Almighty God, who cares about even me (and even cares that I am hungry).

I encourage you, if you are looking for a way to start your fast, take some time to read some of the Psalms that focus on God and his glory. Pray prayers of adoration and worship. If we are going to be following the paths of God, it will help to know Whom we are following.
Pastor Scott

(Some good Psalms of adoration: Ps 8, 19.1-6, 95.1-7, 104, 148)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Congregational meeting Feb. 14

As we have mentioned these past two Sundays, we will be having a congregational business meeting on Sunday, February 14, right after the service. We will discuss and vote on the Leadership Team's unanimous proposal to sell our current building. The LT believes this is the best option available to us for our current property, and we believe it is an important part of God leading us to a new facility that will better support our ministry.

Please continue to be in prayer about our ongoing search for the building that is right for us. If you have questions or comments, contact any member of the Leadership Team.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Midweek Musings (1-14-09)

Sunday was an adventure. It always is when God shows up, isn't it? We heard so much from our youth who went to the One Thing prayer conference. God met them there in new and powerful ways. I would encourage you to ask any of the people that went about their experience. They would love to share what God has done for them.

God is moving in new ways, not only among our youth, but everywhere within our church. I don't know exactly where we are going, but with God at the fore, it is going to be an amazing journey. What we are asking of you as a church is to be in prayer, for us to be sensitive to God's voice and direction. Jeremiah 33.3 says "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." He will lead us where we are to go, and that is going to be difficult in some places and easy in others. But one thing is without a doubt: God's plans are always good. I look forward to the journey with you.