Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I miss my games...

So over the last 3 weeks I have been fasting video games. The first two were for a class I am taking, and the last one is for the all-church fast. I have noticed a few things. The first being, I have not had the urge to play this many video games in quite a while! I usually only sit myself in front of the television when I don't have any family, work or school responsibilities - and lately I have had a lot of responsibilities.

Why then, you may be asking did I choose to give up video games? I chose them because I wanted to give up something that would be a sacrifice for me when I was alone. There are all sorts of personal reasons for this, but the most important one is that, often times when I am alone I choose to do something to distract myself. I honestly felt that being reminded and taking time to pray and hear from God during these times of solitude, instead of just distracting myself would be a good idea. So far I was right, or maybe more realistically, HE was right. God has been showing me all sorts of things about myself, my relationships, and how I use my "alone" time. It has been convicting and encouraging, which is a rare combination - but one I am really thankful for right now.

As I prepare for fatherhood, my time alone has never seemed more precious, but even now God has been reshaping my priorities. How can I use it to pray for others? How can I bless others even when I am not right there with them? How can I improve myself and my relationships? All of these are questions I have been seeking answers to, both from God and from my past experiences. My prayer for all of us is that God will speak to us and change us "individually" in the ways we need Him to. For me, it's what I use my free time for, for you it might be something different. Whatever it is, I'd encourage you to listen, when God speaks, it's worth taking the time to hear what He has to say!

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